Who We Are?

Our Mission

Our mission is to teach and preach the Word of God, empowering all who hear to live life to the fullest. To know their true identity in Christ and be who God says they are. To make disciples so that they can in turn set free all those who for their lifetime have been held in bondage by the devil

The devil is a deceiver. He has deceived many into believing that their circumstances are the best they can attain, but God has made us to be so much more. Our aim is to reveal this to you and empower you to take back everything the devil stole from you and live the life God created us to live.

Empowering through the Word of God

Extraordinary Experiences

Miracles happen everyday when you believe the unbelievable in the natural, so that you can receive the impossible.

The Word of God teaches us to believe in Him and what He says and not in the world and what it says. What the world considers impossible, the Word has declared possible if you believe. For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37. If you believe, you will receive. Matthew 21:22. Beloved, believe in God  His Son Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit 

Our Core Values

The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Psalm 119:105

Pastor Solomon

Our Pastor Solomon Njawa originally from Sierra Leone but now residing in the United States founded this ministry. The ministry was started on November 30th 2008 as a prayer group. Meetings were initially held in members’ houses with the Joseph McCarthy and Sylvester Tucker families hosting most of the meetings. But as we moved from house to house we grew and the then senior pastor left to fulfill another calling on his life and we went on. The prayer group grew from that point into a church while still meeting in houses. We then started looking for a place and sister Ruth found our first home for us. The ministry first had a tentative name of Javez Covenant Sanctuary but that name was changed after much prayer to Christ revival rescue mission. God gave our pastor this name while he was in Africa (Sierra Leon). The ministry is under the full gospel fellowship international organization and continues to grow.